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  1. “Unperceived force is the bane of retaliation.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All sentients are reliant upon the delicate existence of 'Air'. And, without it. All who need it haven't the chance of even a meagre position within the physical plane, in turn. It was only natural mortals would seek to harness its latent prowess, to reign dominate over what is thought to govern them. Although Air is what birthed most life-forms; its presence must not be neglected as one of its potential hazards and/or driving forces of nature. And thus, in accordance to history's usual re-tellings, the Descendants took it upon themselves to harness its power, as they do with all other possibilities of interactions with the world. And, like all other possible means of garnering control of an entity, one must come to at least partially understand the concepts that said entity brings; most commonly through careful study of every identifiable aspect that it holds. The wind that brushes against our skins holds no exception to the ruling notion, though not blatantly visible to the naked eye, its very existence and various functions can still be observed via other means; whether it be from the remaining senses of touch, smell, hearing or taste. Or in other, more convenient instances, gathering already recorded observations. Nevertheless, before its effects can be replicated via the magic, and typically before the mage even begins to study the respective element of their choice. The individual must first “attune” or, rather accustom themselves to the voidal plane. In brief and short summation, the void is all and nothing simultaneously, being only as vast as the mind’s state enables one to grasp it. The most notable, and most commonly adhered to analogy practitioners use; for ease in their description of the void, is that the very abstraction is akin to that of a blank canvas. Those who do, and don't reside within its realm, most beings categorised as regular Descendants: have the capacity to apply its uses through their own supply of mana, used in conjunction with the soul as its main channel from where it can be siphoned from. When said practitioner melds all learned concepts together, they may finally begin placing his knowledge into practice, though in the case of a fledgling Evocationist, not into necessarily "practical' use. The process would all begin to stem from the very core of all arcane arts as previously stated, the void. Once the mage has established a connection, he may begin to drive the magical action in which he wills; starting from a simple mental image in what the mage is trying to accomplish, in this case. Being the simple formation of air, taken from any bits of knowledge he understands it to be. From that. They may begin in the usual procedure of pulling the element from the void, moving its temporally short state of being into the physical plane, steering whichever properties he desires into the newly formed evocation; gradually shifting its current function into what the Evocationist wishes. As the mage becomes more adept and acquainted with the general procedure, he would grow in ability to tinker with the various variables that the magic is composed of, ideally in rapid succession, peaking at a point in which it becomes second-nature. Air that is summoned from the void is subject to the mage's own understanding of said Air, and is therefore not affected by the surrounding environmental air pressure, temperature and/or wind direction. While an evoked wind may be contrary to the environment's weather systems, it has no influence beyond the moment the element returns to the void. A storm cannot be calmed, a northern wind cannot be shifted, and so on and so forth. With the exception of the brief moment that the mage is in control of their evoked air.However, air in which a Mage is accustomed into be associated with is not exactly wind, and the difference is clearly underlined. As Air is the mixture of gases that forms the atmosphere, which we have all around us. When this Air begins to move fast enough to matter, we call it wind. Wind is the horizontal motion of air, due to the pressure difference between two places. Wind is the perceptible natural movement of the air, especially in the form of a current of air blowing from a particular direction. Similarly to that of diffusion on a much larger scale, Air under high pressure carries over toward areas of lower pressure. The greater the difference in pressure, the faster the air flows. Air has more force to it the more compressed it is, for example, if it is compressed from point A, which pushes itself towards a less compressed area; point B. If it was more compressed, taking much more time and energy, it would mean that it would travel from point A to B with a stronger force. In an environmental implementation, the movement of wind within a coastal setting will be appropriate to explain how heat will come into effect and also drive the natural movement of wind. (http://www.technologystudent.com/images5/wdpow3.gif . Credit to TechnoStudent of showing a gif for the application of this on the natural environment) As the sun heats the land, the air above also warms and rises. Cold air then replaces the rising air. This creates the winds that we feel most days of the year. The diagram above shows how this ‘system’ work in a natural setting. Air tends to warm at a faster rate over land because the land retains its heat. Over the sea the air warms more slowly as heat by the sun is slowly cooled by the cold water. If you visit the seaside or coastal area you will probably find that the weather is more breezy or windy than inland. This is because the warm air rises over the land and cold air over the sea replaces it. Craftier mages that have immersed themselves to the study will be able to manipulate their evocated air to abuse this natural physical property and enhance their abilities to have an edge over fellow mages of matching skill. Air Evocation can only take on one form, which is air. Anything and everything that is evocated will be made up of air that consisted of a neutral composition and is able to mix with other evocation . Moreover when it comes to dual casting it is harder, needs much more concentration and uses much more mana for instance, with fire evocation, to create bigger flames. The wind’s very primal purpose; is not to be used in lethal ways, which is why non-combative use of the magic often can be more expansive in relation to its harm-dealing capabilities. That isn't to say you cannot use it in combat because at it's heart, it is a combat magic. So when you are evocating the magic into whatever it may be, keep in mind the pressure of the air you are forming. Is the air pressurized far too much? It is more exhausting for a mage to hold and direct as it might just backfire if they lose control. Aesthetically, air is invisible and in turn a rather unpredictable element on all accounts, which makes exceptional control rather impossible. The most used approach to this evocation; is to knock over foes. While more adept mages with greater control and practice will be capable of pressurizing and condensing air into spheres, which can then be hurled at a foe, its force of impact much like a thrown rock of considerable size. However, due to its unpredictable nature and difficulty of control, it is not unheard of to hear of air evolutionists backfiring in their art and causing themselves to be hurt . Though this occurrence is less frequent in comparison to meddling with other, much more dangerous elements such as fire, or electricity. (Plus RP examples.) ( Adapted from the latest Air Evocation Guides) Stage/Tier 1 - This tier is mainly for beginners to the arcane and specifically, on connecting to the void. As this stage, one’s character should be extremely fatigued at almost every attempt to connect to the void and requires studying of the element to understand and be exposed to the element. (Example): The newly initiated apprentice would set himself down upon the wooden floor. His form would gradually arc back in relaxation, his eyelids clamping shut in mild concentration, a single malformed bead of sweat slowly oozing away from the side of his head, his mind now entering a trance of complete concentration. His nose scrunching up from the extended effort. Soon, his eyes would drearily open, his face now doused with sweat as his aura’s color would begin to seep through his original iris’s color, his connection to the void stringed together flimsily. After a few seconds’ passing, his breathing would abruptly break out in ragged wheezes, the connection being severed away from its allotted time. Stage/Tier 2 - A more advanced stage that consists of learning how air and wind currents work and allows for minor experimentations of creating various currents of winds and sustaining it, however to their inexperience to the element, they will be fatigued after merely summoning their element (Example): The apprentice would lean back against the wall’s support, his eyes dropping close in somewhat practiced concentration. His chest would begin to heave up and down in rhythm, his conscious mind regulating his breathing. In a moment’s notice, his eyes would pry open again. His Irises’ color now emitting unnatural coloration from its original appearance, his aura’s reflected color seeming to be more piercing and vivid than before. [!] The wind would be barely felt by those around, its velocity hopping just a bit before coming to a sudden stop. With just that, the Apprentice’s knees would buckle. His breathing turned ragged and sparse, the connection cut away by his fatigue undoing his focus. Stage/Tier 3 - It is the pivotal phase of the evocation study that allows its users to perform to a significant degree, allowing steady currents to be manifested through the user’s own control and allow for the manipulation of winds. (Example): The Mage would stay static in his motion, his eyes closed in practiced concentration. A single digit dangling from his right hand began to twitch lightly during this time frame. His mouth would part away with a single, pre-mediated exhale, his eyes now fluttering open. His irises would deal out a distinct glow; a clear sign of his steady connection. [!] Promptly after this, the wind orbiting the mage would be felt lightly dabbing against the skins of all around, including himself. His chest would rise and drop in steady tempo, just as the wind about would begin to gain speed; a steady current of wind, staying at no higher than a few miles per hour circled his front. After a few minutes, the mage would stop. His expression un-curtaining his fatigue as he’d break the connection. Stage/Tier 4+ - Reaching a phase in which the user has became quite skilled and confident in performing their art and may now manipulate their Air with high success rates and proficiency/speed. (Example): The adept mage would make his way back to the training grounds, a single finger hoisted up to adjust his glasses; his mind absent from his destination in deep thought. As he’d arrive, his mind would tear away from the day-dream, his eyes now gaining focus, pointed towards the few stacked pieces of wood just a few meters across his own location. With that, his eyes would shut, his mind cycling out any unnecessities as it would burrow deeply into a state of concentration. [!] His irises would give off the same glow as before, being that of a pure (insert aura color here) hue. The wind’s velocity would once more scale up in magnitude, the area of rally crossing over towards the stack of wood. Their forms rattling at the intruding force. Without further ado, the wind’s speed would soar high, the stack of wood soon scattering from the gale’s sudden impact. With that, another sole finger would raise to re-adjust his glasses. A single bead of sweat dribbled away from his face’s center. The pair of eyes just above painted back to normalcy. (These examples are no more than very basic outlines of how you should RP the magic, and should not be thoroughly mimicked under any circumstance; nor do they have to be as long/detailed) -Unable to alter/use pre-existing elements in the world. -Disruption, or loss of focus will immediately diminish the evoked element; in this instance, any summoned wind/gusts will disperse as soon as the connection is severed. -You cannot manipulate the evoked air into radically fine points of interest, this means no ‘piercing winds’ that would act much like a material weapon. Why was this made? It was recognised that Air evocation lacked a concrete base lore in which players could derive from and use to venture forth with their art. Credits: To the various MAT members which chipped in their opinion and to the makers of the air evocation guides and the lore for other magic( Like BrandNewKitten's) which was useful to derive structure and sensible and fair lore ideas from, and Mathue for practically whipping me to finish this. I will not do a TLDR, and I will like to thank everyone for reading! Edit 24 August 2016: Minor adjustments to paragraphing and fixed a spelling mistake
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