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  1. »»──────⊰✺⊱──────«« Crucible - Guild Overview »»──────⊰✺⊱──────«« ❝ Our strongest weapons are not our magic, nor blade, but goodwill and almsgiving. A forge may make kin-slayers, but is better served warming and protecting the cold and downtrodden. This is true of all good and evil within this world. There is no greater strength than Mortality, and no greater weapon than Peace. ❞ - Ghoraza the Witless ««════╡⊰Our Tenets⊱╞════»» Ⅰ. Neutrality - Crucible is a neutral guild, aligning with no nation. We are almsgivers and have a diverse set of professions, but we are not warriors lending hands to any cause. Ⅱ. Charity - We are are charitable guild. While a merchant guild, we still aim to give what we can. We aspire to mend the broken, aid the weak, and lend hands to those in need. Ⅲ. Diversity - Crucible does not discriminate based on race, creed, gender, ideology, or mentality. We accept all that are willing to abide by the rules and purpose of the Guild. We are open-minded and willing to learn. Ⅳ. Peace - Crucible is a peaceful Guild. There will be no hate, bigotry, or slander within the group. We are to keep our neutral stance when relating to Guild matters. While able to mediate conflict, we will not be taking part in any conflict. Ⅴ. Availability - While the Crucible Guild Hall is located outside of Krugmar, the Guild’s influence and reach itself is not restricted to a singly nation, area, or country. We aim to increase outreach and reputation, through missives and word-of-mouth. ────────✺─ Rankings ─✺──────── Founders: Ghoraza the Witless (@Panashea), Kor’Garr (@Mannamannaa), Ofric Radrokk (@sheriif) Crucible Leader(s): Ofric Radrokk The Crucible Leader(s) will take on the responsibility for leading the group’s efficiency, functionality, and more. They will represent the group along with the Head Diplomat in official matters, they will initiate meetings with the Heads to make sure members are satisfied and matters organized. The Leader(s) of Crucible will organize and plan, with the help of the Heads, guild related events, requests, activities, and function. They will be the flexible and available leader, able to fill in the position of any head if needed, and generally be able to talk to anyone within the group and act as the go-to person for questions. Head Scribe: Kor'Garr This head will work on drafting forum posts, missives, letters, and other writing and lore related things. Head Diplomat: This person will act as a diplomat for Crucible, as well as assisting with spreading word and information about the Guild. They will mainly act as the representative to foreign nations and powers if they wish to meet or discuss. An important note: the various heads of subgroups within the guilds are not do-all, say-all. They are liaisons between the subgroups, Leaders, and Nations, doing the directing and assisting, rather than commanding. Our leadership positions are not a way to order members around, they are a responsibility to aid the Guild in function and path to glory. More responsibility means maturity and diplomacy, the benefit is more weight to your word. Head of Builders: This head will act as the director for organizing and managing requested building-related projects. They will represent and direct the builders in the group. Head of Crafts and Goods: The head of Crafts and Goods will manage the requests for craftsmen, entertainers, artisians. They will represent this group in meetings. Head of Religion: This head will manage requests for the religious and magical members of the guild. They represent the religious and magical figureheads. Head of Care and Service: Managing aid, care, and other services provided by the group is tricky, and the responsibility of the Head of Care and Service. They represent the medics, soothsayers, and other aid-related members. ────────✺─ Members and Recruiting ─✺──────── The members of the Crucible are a wide and far spread group. We consist of shamans, smiths, alchemists, craftsmen, soothsayers, bards, and many more professions and specializations. All of us intend to make the world a better place, one step at a time. Our ranks are open for those willing to drink with, to discuss with, to laugh with, to share with, and to help with folk of all different origins, faiths, doctrines, race, and principles. Come to our Guild Hall in the West, or bird Ofric Radrokk with the following information: [OOC:] IGN: Discord: [RP] Name: Profession(s) of Choice: Additional Optional Information: ────────✺─ How to Submit Requests/Trade Offers to the Guild ─✺──────── Option I: Come to the Guild Hall, submit your request in a written book and drop it off by the front. Recommended for any kind of request, trade, help, aid, etc... In the future, we hope to establish areas or embassies around the continent for those in need to come to. Option II: Bird current leader/head of respective area and meet them to discuss requests. This is recommended for those who intend to request larger scale projects. Option III: Locate any member of Crucible and talk to them. This is recommended for minor non-trade requests. (ie. starving child on the street in need of food) Guild Hall Directions: Enter the West Hub, Idol’s Garden. Follow the road to Krugmar. When outside of Krug, follow the signs to the Guild Hall. [OOC]: Written by @sheriif (Ofric) Guild Discord: https://discord.gg/RfF3x5BRkQ
  2. For Charity! Fix the Loc, Fix the World! [!] A sketch of what is left of Du Loc, the old city crumbling away with fungal growths and decay plaguing it. (Screenshots taken by PufferfishTrash!) The once great city known as Du Loc, as you all know, has fallen. Still, it’s citizens cling onto the past, weaving through the horrid circumstances loyally in search of what little good is left of the town- despite waiting, searching, and surviving within the walls. Some keep their grip firm on the ruins out of loyalty. Others, simply because they have no choice. And how horrible the conditions have become! Ever since the town’s leadership has collapsed, the walls crumbled and continue to crumble to this day, beasts long banished and forgotten to the Du Locians have made their horrid returns, terrorizing and preying on those unfortunate enough to be sighted by them. The majority of ourselves are quite well off. We can help them. We can make a difference. All it takes is a small spark to start the flame. ._________________. We can fix this. We can have an impact on this world. Together, we can help it. We just need you to light that spark. ._________________. All forms of charity, whether it be helping us clear the Loc of villains (Cough, glory hunters & loot gremlins, cough), volunteering to help us rebuild or just simply donating materials and food will all be deeply appreciated! Let us give these people the home they once had and rightfully deserve! For Charity! And what’s better is that if we are to exceed the required supplies needed to bring back Du Loc to it’s former glory, we shall move outwards to help those who need it most outside the city’s great walls! First the Loc, then the realm! So whether you are here for adventure, putting some baddies to the ground, Helping us in rebuilding the city and those to come, or just donating to help our movement, The Loc welcomes you all! ._________________. Directions to Du Loc can be found at the Eastern Fleet. Specifically found along the road between Lucsiensberg and Yong Ping. A donation bin, if you are simply stashing supplies will be present at both entrances into Du Loc! See you there! And if you do not like the idea of running over to a new, unfamiliar realm, us members of Charity's Hand will come visit you in your own local town, city or village in due time. Thank you for reading! ._________________. - Slith ‘Azh Arm’, Representative of Charity’s Hand
  3. An amateurish portrait of the young Anne Marie Novellen-Kaphro, dated SA 97 [!] Posters would be put up around Balian mentioning the following: Balian. Beautiful Balian, a place where I wish to spend the rest of my life in harmony and peace. And yet, can we really claim that our country is the greatest when we still have citizens existing in subpar living conditions - some at the brink of famine? Who can look into the eyes of a homeless child without feeling any sympathy? We as a nation seek greatness, and we as the people of Balian must make a genuine effort to achieve this greatness. City-life has always been a foreign concept to me, primarily due to my upbringing which alienated me from much of society. Despite recently making the decision to reintegrate myself back into society, there’s still much that I fail to comprehend; one such thing is how we enable and allow for so much unnecessary suffering to transpire within our community. While Balian is undoubtedly a noble nation with great respect for its people, constantly crusading for the rights of its citizens, there’s one specific faction of society who is unjustly overlooked: The poor. Balian is surely the most developed nation in respect to culture and people's rights; I'm grateful to have the privilege of residing somewhere which values the humanity of its population so greatly - in no ways am I criticizing our glorious nation; but, still, all too often people are left to deal with their misfortune by themselves without any assistance. No longer can I, in good conscience, allow the less fortunate to struggle while others sit in idle indifference; I wish to make an effort to assist in every way I can and bring awareness to their plight. I spent the near-entirety of my life traveling across the world alongside my grandfather before settling within Balian. While away at sea both my father and grandfather passed; not only that, but the patriarch of the Novellen-Kaphro family passed, too. Willed to me was a hefty inheritance in addition to the titular County of Kaphro; a title that was given to my great-grandfather Prince Peter Maximillian by Joseph II, Emperor of Oren. But what use do I have for such money? What benefit will it provide if I hoard it all to myself? I wish not to allow greed to corrupt me. As such, I will be using the entirety of my inheritance to fund the Kaphro Foundation, a charitable organization which will dedicate itself to ensuring that all of Balian’s people are void of struggles, especially those who are disadvantaged. My charity will not be bogged down by the weight of governmental bureaucracy for it will be privately operated, and, thus, able to efficiently focus all of its attention on the social needs of Balian's less fortunate citizens. The Kaphro Foundation's first major project will be developing a beautiful non-profit public housing facility which will quarter those who are unable to afford traditional housing arrangements. I will be taking the steps necessary to make this idea happen within this year. Additionally, I will be running for Senate which, if elected, will allow me to more efficiently execute these kinds of plans. Thank you all for making Balian a beautiful place, Anne Marie Novellen-Kaphro, founder of the Kaphro Foundation and Candidate for the Balian Senate
  4. In Charitas On Charity Written on the 12th of Malin’s Welcome, 1831 “And so I have placed into your hearts the blessings of abundance: the virtuous wealth of the spirit. And as I have given to you this blessing of My Word, you shall also give unto your fellows.” (Virtue 2:5-6) There are several virtues laid out for us in the scrolls and each and every one is worthy of mention, one that has acted as a guiding principle instructing the children of GOD to abstain from the pecuniary measures of wealth and success and instead embrace the spiritual: Charity. There are innumerable acts of spiritual charity to draw inspiration from but I would like to address those of His Holiness Daniel the Writer and James II, who through years of diligent work penned an interpretation of the scrolls for public digestion, an act I believe embodies the spirit of the scripture noted above. His virtue is abundant, sustains our spirit and is never divided but always multiplied (Virtue 2:9) and in releasing the interpretation as public resource has allowed the abundance of the Lord in the hearts and minds of his children including myself, who through use of the scripture was taught to read and write. It was said by James II (1778) “I say again to each of you that you are like unto priests! Whatever virtue you expect of your priesthood, expect it of yourself, for the world watches you just as you watch us”[1]and to be the virtue we expect of the world we must consider what acts we can take in effort to more closely follow the canticles laid before us in the scrolls. It is said in the Canticle of Temperance “For I have given to you the pleasures of the world, and they shall comfort you in the theater of virtue; And you shall take them carefully, and shall not become a creature of worldly indulgence as the beasts of the earth” (Virtue 3:7-8) and so I believe it is should be seen as a labor of love to provide that which is not needed to those who are needy in His name, for we are all in need of the word of GOD and his abundance but many have their needs for shelter, food, warmth, and security met in abundance and should take them carefully as not to indulge. Jude II when addressing a query as to the church’s place in war said: “We say firstly that God is many things; God is Love, as is the motto of High Pontiff Everard V and so too is He Mercy, as He is the Most Merciful.”[2] And just as God sees fit to show us mercy with that which He has in abundance: Virtue, so too should we seek to act upon that love and in His name give unto others. In the letter mentioned prior Jude II also said “it is we ordained men who will serve in other ways” and just as ordained men shall serve so too should all men for we are like unto priests. WE should serve the Lord as His will is perfect, we should seek to follow His virtue of charity, we should do so in fidelity to Him and his children by practicing temperance and seeking with patience and diligence to live in humility, having faith that our Lord shall provide both to us and through us and casting aside that which we would indulge in to more needy mouths, hearts, and minds. God is Love and Charity, to toil tirelessly in the name of Love and Charity is to toil tirelessly in the name of God; there is no shame in humbling oneself to work in the fields, to pawn away ornate treasures to feed your brother so that he may be as blessed as you, to shed excess in the name of giving for It was God's will that he should give unto us the world, The word, the virtue, the Seven Skies, and all things good and true and there is no shame in trying to work in the name of God’s will. Citations: Transcript of the Imperial Quadricentennial Mass[1] Encyclical Letter, God Is peace. [2] Written By: Acolyte Turnfield
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