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  1. PRIMA CONCILIUM LOTHARIA First Council of Lotharia | Primer Consell de Lotària 12th of Horen’s Calling, 1983 Ivan Archbishop Lotharia “So Godfrey called the priests of the Lord together, and bade them to agree upon rites and hymns that all men should use.” (Scroll of Gospel, 6:31) Opening Prayer | Pregària D'inici Under the magnificent throne of our Benevolent GOD, we look upon him for guidance as we wade into the waters of the uncertain future. May Our LORD’s divine light protect our souls and families, as he had offered his protection to Horen and his family. Pray to HIM, for the LORD will surely respond to those steadfast in their devotion to HIM and HIM alone. - Ivan Archbishop Lotharia 𖥞 Come my brothers and sisters! Let us pray together: Perfect God, I lift up my heart to you; Senyor perfecte, elevo el meu cor cap a tu; Keep me in your hand and protect me from all evils, Mantén-me a la teva mà i protegeix-me dels mals, For your grace alone will foil temptation, Només la teva gràcia frustrarà la temptació King of Kings, my Lord most High; Rei dels Reis, el meu Senyor més Al I will fear no foe with your blessed assurance; No temré cap enemic, amb la teva beneïda assegurança Make me among those who turn to you in repentance; Fes-me entre els que es tornen a tu en penediment Make me among those who are purified. Fes-me entre els que estan purificats. En Déu confiem, Amen! The Call to the First Council | La Convocatòria al Primer Consell In the name of GOD, the most benevolent, the most omnipotent, we begin. My brothers and sisters of the Lotharian See, may the warmth and benevolence of the LORD embrace you. Heed my words O’ shepherds and clergy of the faith: The Dioceses of Tyria and Peroz are hereby called to the first council of Lotharia. The Council shall convene in the month of the Sun’s Smile, 1983 at the Church of the Holy Supernals. Herein is the Agenda reserved for the Council: I. Establishment of the Council II. Clerical and Lay Positions III. Positions within the Archdiocesan Curia IV. Parish Assignments V. On the Matters of the Diocese of Peroz VI. Establishment of a Holy Site within the Archdiocese of Lotharia The Honored Invitees | Els Honrats Convidats ALL LAYMEN AND CLERGY, IN REVERENCE, IN LOTHARIA ALL LAYMEN AND CLERGY, IN REVERENCE, IN TYRIA; THE KINGDOM OF BALIAN AND THEIR SHEPARD, HIS GRACE, BISHOP BELISARIOS TYRIA ( @ErikAzog ) ALL LAYMEN AND CLERGY, IN REVERENCE, IN PEROZ; ISLES OF COSTA RUBISSIMA HIS HOLINESS, THE IMMOVABLE VICAR OF GOD, THE WITCH HUNTER, THE SLAYER OF DARKSPAWN, CAIUS PRIMUS, AND HIS PONTIFICAL CURIA. AUDIENCE SHALL BE EXTENDED TO ALL LAYMEN AND CLERGY, IN REVERENCE, IN THE REALM OF CANON May the LORD brighten your path as you travel South. En Déu confiem, IVAN ARCHBISHOP LOTHARIA
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