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  1. ISSUED AND CONFIRMED BY FIELD MARSHAL CERRICK FENIFAER VALLLO TOUJOU COURI VALLHIUW Declaration of Mobilization DECLARATION OF THE JUNTA In the next month, we shall experience the horrors of war. Many in the State of Vikela have not experienced war first hand, hearing stories of what occurred in the Coalition War of Braevos and the Southern Occupation of Nevaehlen. Thus, emergency measures must be taken in order to secure the stability of the State. THE TWO FOLLOWING ORDERS WILL GO INTO EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. MARTIAL LAW In the interest of that state and her security, the military will take control of the government and temporarily suspend certain rights in order to maintain stability throughout the realm. The rights suspended include freedom of speech against the State and her policies, This measure is enforced to maintain stability and prevent the spread of misinformation that may jeopardize national security and public order. Also the freedom of gathering without informing the local authority, and protests against the State. The freedom of gathering in groups larger than 4 without informing the military is limited in order to develop an emergency response. However, family meetings are exempt from this restriction, provided that a guard is called to ensure their safe return if they venture out.During this state of emergency, all public protests against the state are strictly prohibited due to their potential to incite civil unrest and Uncertainty. Offenders will face immediate and severe consequences. CONSCRIPTION As the State of Vikela prepares for its first war in modern history, it has become evident that our regiments suffer from inadequacies due to the reliance on untrained volunteers, akin to a common militia. To rectify this, it is imperative to enlist all able-bodied citizens in defense of our homeland. All able-bodied citizens are hereby obligated to register for military service in the upcoming Census. This draft is essential for bolstering our defenses and ensuring the safety of our realm. Citizens who wish to opt out of active military service may do so by paying an additional annual tax of 20 minas or participating in weekly monitored gathering trips for select materials, as decided by the militia. This contribution will aid in the provisioning and support of our new army. Upon enlistment, all recruits and current military personnel will undergo rigorous retraining under the guidance of Field Marshal Cerrick. The Field Marshal will evaluate each individual based on combat and leadership experience to determine new ranks and responsibilities. This decree shall be enforced immediately following the upcoming Census. Failure to comply with draft registration or tax obligations will result in penalties as determined by law. By implementing these measures, we aim to strengthen our military capabilities and ensure the defense of our State in these challenging times. MAY LIGHT GUIDE, Cerrick Fenifaer, Paladin of the Fallen Xan, Formerly of Khamees, Field Marshal of Vikela, Head of the Military Junta of Vikela
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