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  1. Settler Registration Act Penned, Year 782 of the Shire Reckoning To keep track of all incoming people into the Port-Duchy of Dúnkeld, it has been advised that they be registered, to keep track of them and to hold census on the types of people settling in the region of the Duchy. All Settlers will be required to answer these questions: Name? Ethnic Background / Ancestry? Faith or Creed? Any Criminal History? (Yes does not disqualify you.) Would you consider yourself an Adventurer, a Settler, a Pioneer, or a Hedgeknight? Signed, Their Aristocracy, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw, Port-Sovereign of the Duchy of Dúnkeld, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Steward of Castellar, Knife of Rozania, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Protector of the Weefolk
  2. The Reorganization of the Duchy Penned, Year 782 of the Shire Reckoning Following the expansion of our territory to an unpredicted size, one that we could not have imagined when we first settled these grounds, and our rise to the status of a Port-Duchy, it is seen fit that new changes must be done to ensure our growth. On this date, of the Third Seed of the 782th year of the Shire Reckoning, the Parliament of Dúnkeld is hereby dissolved, to be replaced with a more practical and new system. With a 'Council of Adventurers, Settlers, Pioneers, and Hedgeknights' forming in it's place. An advisory body made up of people both old to the lands and new. With it's existence fit to help organize the settling of new lands. All previous legislation currently in force made under the Parliament shall remain in effect. Signed, Their Aristocracy, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw, Port-Sovereign of the Duchy of Dúnkeld, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Steward of Castellar, Knife of Rozania, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Protector of the Weefolk
  3. Dúnkeld - Shire Authority Agreement Penned, Year 782 of the Shire Reckoning By the The Shire of Dúnwen and The Port-County of Dúnkeld Diplomatic Agreements: Article I: Autonomy and Hegemony a) The Shire of Dúnwen recognizes the right for the Port-County of Dúnkeld to self-governance and autonomy within their lands, to follow their own laws and customs and traditions, the Port-County of Dúnkeld shall also have the right to do diplomacy with other polities, as long as said agreements do not go against the Shire or it’s security, with the Shire taking priority in any conflict or predicament. b) The Shire of Dúnwen recognizes the right for the Port-County of Dúnkeld to elect or decide a leader through their own means and laws, and will agree to not forcibly impose a candidate or support a false pretender for their throne. Article II: Declaration of Loyalty a) The Port-County of Dúnkeld and their ruling elven House of Pinemaw swears fealty and loyalty to the Shiredom of Dúnwen for as long as the Halfling State shall survive and exist. The Port-County of Dúnkeld shall swear allegiance to each Thain or Shire-King that should take power through legal means. b) The Port-County of Dúnkeld agrees to engage in the practice of Open Borders, allowing free movement for all citizens of the Shire and their allies within their territory. No trade shall be taxed, and no Halfling or Citizen Biggun shall be excluded or falsely persecuted. Martial Agreement: Article I: Right to Defense a) The Shiredom of Dúnwen shall permit the Port-County of Dúnkeld to have the right to Self-Defense of their lands, and to raise and maintain any sort of Combative or Martial organization or polity without limits or prohibitions. The Port-County of Dúnkeld as having sworn fealty and loyalty to the Shire must come to the defense of the Shire when in turmoil. Economic Agreements: Article I: Free Trade a) The Shiredom of Dúnwen and the Port-County of Dúnkeld shall agree to permit free trade between the two, under the laws and regulations on goods under each territory. Goods being sold from the Shiredom of Dúnwen to the Port-County of Dúnkeld shall not be unnecessarily taxed, and vice versa. Article II: Resource Access a) The Port-County of Dúnkeld shall have the full right to the resources within its territory, unable to be prohibited by the Shiredom of Dúnwen. b) The Shiredom of Dúnwen, however, reserves the right to gain access to the harvesting of resources within the territory of Dúnkeld during times of war or crisis, but the Port-County of Dúnkeld must not be prohibited from harvesting the resources on their own territory during times of war and crisis. Territorial Agreement: Article I: Land a) The Shire of Dúnwen agrees to grant the territories in orange to the Port-County of Dúnkeld as a charter, to be fully considered as rightful territory of Dúnkeld. Nobility Agreement: Article I: Nobility a) The Shire of Dúnwen agrees to permit the Port-County of Dúnkeld to raise itself to a Duchy if it ever desires, and to rename itself as it sees fit. The Port-County of Dúnkeld has the full right to issue noble titles under its own authority. Protection Agreement: Article I: Protection a) The House of Pinemaw and the Port-County of Dúnkeld shall agree to the protection of Holly Hornwood and Rosllyn Applefoot from any sort of harm, offering their abilities and services to personally aid them in safety. Agreements of Duration: Article I: Standard Duration a) Let this article be in effect for eternity, until the collapse of the Halfling State. Signed, Thain Rolando Applefoot, Thain of Dunwen, Head of the Applefoot Familyline, Blood Son of the First Thain, The Scarred Elder, Realmholder of Dunfarthing Their Excellency, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw, Port-Sovereign of Dúnkeld, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Steward of Castellar, Knife of Rozania, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Protector of the Weefolk Her Excellency, Leoni Chevalier The Dame of Acalonn, Member of Parliament
  4. Following the failure of Estel Foxtrot-Anarórë and her kin of yielding to the demands set forth, and with the deadline having passed, Estel Foxtrot-Anarórë's property within the Shire is now seized and shall be placed under the control of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, with the full express granting of consent by the Thain of the Shire, Rolando Applefoot. The property and resources legally seized under the full extent of the law as approved by the Thain shall be considered of appropriate value to what was demanded of Anarórë. It now rests in our control. Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Knife of Rozania, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw
  5. 16th of the First Seed By the order of the Port Authority, bypassing Parliamentarian approval The legal authority for the Port-County of Dúnkeld to field an armed force rests in the Charter granted to us in 764 S.R. Effective immediately, a force comprised of Cavalry and horseback shall be ordered to be brought into existence. Rozanian Surplus with their colors changed to fit Dúnkeld shall be issued to any volunteer, and new horses pressed into service. The Regiment shall be tasked with the defense of the Port-County and the Shire as a whole in regards to recent events. Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Knife of Rozania, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw
  6. On the 3rd of The First Seed, 779 S.R Following the abdication of Cyris of Collingwood from the position of Thainship within the Shiredom of Dúnwen, and the assumption of Rolando of Applefoot as the new Thain of the Shire. The Port-County of Dúnkeld reaffirms their loyalty towards the Shire Authority, and swears fealty to Thain Rolando Applefoot, recognizing him as the legitimate Thain of the Shire. The door to diplomacy, negotiations, and fellowship shall remain open for the Shire Authority. Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Natshen of Aurelius, Knife of Rozania, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Member of Parliament, Moss Mawce Kervallen Dame of Acalonn, Member of Parliament, Leoni Chevalier Member of Parliament, Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw
  7. This document can be found in the region around Dúnkeld, including the Shire Capital and Canonist Brabant. It can also be found as north as Cormanth, or as south as Balian as scattered letters. In the beginning, there was the fields and plains of the earth, with the oceans and seas filled with the azure blue water. The world was crafted and brought into life by a creator, who made Malin, Horen, Krug, and Urguan and all of the other animals and beasts that exist. But for some reason, the creator died. Their essence and blood pooling out to form the stars, creating magic and astralic objects. From the creator's essence and their last dying breath formed the deity Castellar, who spent a century conquering the stars from other entities that had formed from the blood of the creator and absorbing all of the essence they could acquire from the creator's remains. Castellar would become the Deity of Order, watching over the earth and ensuring that it was not corrupted, silently watching from the skies as Malin made his first holdings in the forest and developed true writing. But despite being a deity, Castellar was exhausted from maintaining all of the functions of the earth from above, as they had not consumed all of the creators essence despite their century of conquest for it in the astral stars. And so they surrendered a slither of their essence to create Sedis, the Deity of Harvest, who ensured that all of the descendants on earth would not fall into starvation and death, blessing the fields of those who showed good faith and heart. Castellar also created Edon, the Deity of Knowledge. Edon would bless or sow the seeds of innovation of all of the great inventors, alchemists, and mages of the world, indirectly improving the quality of life of the descendants, while also casting out particularly damaging inventions from taking place. Castellar would also create Aerithar, the Deity of Protection. Aerithar would give military leaders of good cause the tactical knowledge and skill to fight and win while outnumbered or at a disadvantage. And as the Deity of Protection helping to ensure the safety of the less fortunate or the suffering. Aerithar is not a Deity of War, as they are not actively provoking violence, but instead aiding the good hearted in the event of violence. Castellar used some of their essence conquered from the creators remains scattered over the astral skies to create Asyn, the Deity of Love. Asyn would task themselves with helping people connect and love each other, both romantically and through brotherhood. And with Asyn surrendering some of their own essence to create Ashrynne, the Deity of Family and Health to aid them in their causes. Castellar would also shed a slither of their essence to create Aurelius, the Deity of Fortune and Wealth. Aurelius would whisper secrets of gold hordes and treasures in the ears of descendants, offering both material rewards for good deeds while also tempting descendants into potential greed. More Deities created by Castellar may exist that are not discovered yet by our records. And some descendants could have been blessed by Castellar or another Deity to become a Deity themselves. It is also possible that a Deity has the capability to take the identity of a descendent as a mortal living representation of themselves, or otherwise known as an avatar. More writing and research is required, and efforts to peacefully convert the populace of the region to the true faith must be taken. The Scholar of Castellar
  8. Port-County of Dúnkeld On the 12 of The Amber Cold, 775 S.R Proposed by: Port-Sovereign Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw If a Sorvian is forced to commit a crime under the order of their Creator, they are to be absolved of the crime, with the punishment levied on their Creator. The right to vote and autonomy is also further explicitly guaranteed to Sorvians, giving them full rights. Any Creator living in Dúnkeld who holds their Sorvians against their will or prevents them from having freedom shall be charged as a Slaver. Leoni Chevalier, MP 🜹 Yes Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw, MP 🜹 Yes Moss Mawce Kervallen, MP 🜹 Yes Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen
  9. Port-County of Dúnkeld On the 12 of The Amber Cold, 775 S.R Proposed by: Port-Sovereign Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw To ensure that all Acalonn that are citizens of the Port-County of Dúnkeld are to have equal and free rights, to not be discriminated against. And to promise to offer safe haven and protection to any Acalonn that can prove to not be affiliated with the Dark, as any other being would be offered. Leoni Chevalier, MP 🜹 Yes Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw, MP 🜹 Yes Moss Mawce Kervallen, MP 🜹 Yes Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen
  10. Port-County of Dúnkeld On the 10th of The Grand Harvest, 775 S.R With the completion of the two year term of Parliament in the Port-County of Dúnkeld, it has been ordered that registration for candidates shall be done for another term of two years. If more than three candidates register, then an election shall be held for which candidates shall take the three places. Registration Name: Age: Are you an inhabitant of Dúnkeld (or plan to be): Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen (OOC: Deadline to Register is 3 PM EST May 5th)
  11. On the 8th of the Sun’s Smile, 774 S.R To grant Leoni Chevalier the title of ‘Dame of Acalonn’, granting them rights under the peerage of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, the right for their title to be hereditary and succeed to their heirs of their designation, and the right to rise a retinue under an Order for the defense of the Port-County and for the region of the Weefolk. In exchange for an oath of loyalty to the Dúnkeld Crown, and to the Shire and their allies as a whole. Lin, MP 🜹 Yes Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw, MP 🜹 Yes Moss Mawce Kervallen, MP 🜹 Yes Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen Dame of Acalonn, Leoni Chevalier
  12. Port-County of Dúnkeld On the 6th of The Grand Harvest, 774 S.R To prohibit the transportation, possession, manufacture, consumption, or sale of any liquid that is intended to induce intoxication within the Port-County of Dúnkeld. With exceptions being granted for denatured alcohol, Aqua Vitae, and for alcohol that is located in the Barony of Różaneczka. Lin, MP 🜹 Yes Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw, MP 🜹 Yes Moss Mawce Kervallen, MP 🜹 Yes Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen
  13. Port-County of Dúnkeld On the 3rd of The Grand Harvest, 774 S.R To explicitly prohibit the making of puns or jokes regarding hands, or the absence of them within the Port-County of Dúnkeld. Lin, MP 🜹 Yes Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw, MP 🜹 Yes Moss Mawce Kervallen, MP 🜹 Yes Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen
  14. Port-County of Dúnkeld On the 10th of The First Seed, 773 S.R With the completion of the two year term of Parliament in the Port-County of Dúnkeld, it has been ordered that registration for candidates shall be done for another term of two years. If more than three candidates register, then an election shall be held for which candidates shall take the three places. Registration Name: Age: Are you an inhabitant of Dúnkeld (or plan to be): Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen (OOC: Deadline to Register is 2 PM EST April 20th)
  15. Port-County of Dúnkeld On the 8th of The First Seed, 773 S.R To grant the Rozanian Language full legal recognition as an official language under the Port-County of Dúnkeld, and to authorize the printing or distribution of any texts written in the Rozanian Language in Dúnkeld. Lin, MP 🜹 Yes Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw, MP 🜹 Yes Madelyn Noryth, MP 🜹 Yes Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen
  16. Port-County of Dúnkeld On the 8th of The First Seed, 773 S.R To authorize the right for the Sovereign of the Port-County to form any contracts either within writing or in verbal conversation in regards to the distribution of lands and taxation under the control of the Charter of Dúnkeld to any individual or organization for the purpose of settling without prior consent from the Parliament, and the right to grant Dúnkeld citizenship to any individual without the prior consent of the Parliament. Lin, MP 🜹 Yes Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw, MP 🜹 Yes Madelyn Noryth, MP 🜹 Yes Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen
  17. Port-County of Dúnkeld On the 4th of the Grand Harvest, 772 S.R To legalize the slaying of a registered Citizen of the Republic of Valenza with Dúnkeld territory only on the month of the Deep Cold, and exclusively using a piece of purple yarn that must be range from at maximum 10 feet and a minimum of 2 feet. Effective immediately upon the authorization of this Act. Does not automatically expire and must be manually repealed. Lin, MP 🜹 Yes Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw, MP 🜹 Abstain Madelyn Noryth, MP 🜹 Yes Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen
  18. On the 4th of the Amber Cold, 771 S.R With more than three candidates registered, an election from inhabitants within the Port-County of Dúnkeld must occur, it will be decided by ranking all four candidates on a scale from 1-5, the top three to have the highest ratings will be elected towards the Temporary Parliament. Candidates Madelyn Noryth Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw Vauban Daesmon Lin Candidates may vote for themselves, but they should answer honestly. Ballot Name: Are you an inhabitant of Dúnkeld: Madelyn Noryth (1-5): Wisteria Adeline Pinemaw (1-5): Vauban Daesmon (1-5): Lin (1-5): Signed by, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw (OOC: Voting Deadline April 8th at 8 PM EST)
  19. By Order of the 1st Sovereign of the Port County of Dúnkeld, 16th of the Sun's Smile 771 S.R To better manage the well-being of the Port-County amidst a new expansion of territory, it has been decided that a structure should be established that will help maintain the region. A Parliament is ordered to be established that is comprised of citizens of the Port-County, for a temporary term of two years to give advice on what should be done. Up to three people may be selected by the people to serve in Parliament. The Shire Authority, the Sylvan Duchy of Brabant, and the Caravan of Roses will be invited to observe any sessions of Parliament if they so wish. If more than three individuals register, an election will take place for who shall take the top three places. Registration Name: Are you an inhabitant of Dúnkeld (or plan to be): Signed, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen (OOC: Deadline to Register is 2 PM EST April 8th)
  20. By Order of the 1st Sovereign of the Port County of Dúnkeld 11th of the Amber Cold, 1970 I.T The Vampyre by the name of Renae, after being captured by members of a Paladin Chapter within the territory of the Port-County of Dúnkeld and being salt tested was handed over to the respective authorities within the Port-County. The individual was offered the choice between being cured via Alchemical means and suffering execution, and decided to pick keeping her vile affliction and face death. The individual was pierced through the back of the head with a crossbow bolt, suffering instant and painless death, humanely. Their body was then burned to ash, and the remains of ash scattered along the fields within and near Dúnkeld. The individual had purple-dyed hair at the time of their passing, with yellowish-olive colored eyes and pale skin. Their ears were of an elven shape, although it was hinted that they were a Hybrid between a Human and an Elf. The area of the Shire is safer now, more detailed information will be provided to the Shire Authority, the Sylvan Duchy of Brabant, the Republic of Valenza, or any other vassal or ally of the Shire Authority upon request. It is also possible, that the individual could have conspired as a potential Blackhand. Signed, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw
  21. Left - House Pinemaw Right - Port-County of Dúnkeld By Order of the 1st Sovereign of the Port County of Dúnkeld 12th of the Grand Harvest, 1970 I.T Information leading to the identity and potential capture of one or more individuals who sign their names with a imprint of their hand in black ink will be rewarded with a bounty of 250 Minae, or items of equal value. These individuals are responsible for laying the seeds for potential discord and conflict in the Shire and abroad. Victims of Blackhand signatures are highly recommended to present their letters to a proper authority in Dúnkeld, as they may provide clues to who the signatories identities may be. Texts Sampled: Hark, Pinemaw. What's the point in trying? You've been beaten to a low, you cling to moribund titles and swear fealty to lords and thains that are not of your own kind. You have betrayed your race of Malin, and why? What's the point in doing that? Does it make you feel happy? You disgust me, genuinely. You are a rodent, and how I deal with rodents is to smash their windows, to break them down, to make them suffer and cry. [!] A basic hand-drawn impression of the basic shape of a black-ink handprint, it is not a direct copy of an actual handprint, and thus cannot be discerned Ah, so you've disinherited yourself from your own Barony, and given it to a spawn of Horen. Why? I've read in missives that you gave it to the spawn of the same people wishing you harm, and then that spawn was disinherited for even accepting your title. Just similar to the Settlers of the Gardens to your North, and the Caravans roaming in your Southern holds, I wish you nothing but the worst. But what sets me apart from them, is that I have the actual capability to give you great harm. I've harmed your family, I've split them with my letters, and it feels good. YOU DESERVE TO DIE [!] A basic hand-drawn impression of the basic shape of a black-ink handprint, it is not a direct copy of an actual handprint, and thus cannot be discerned Signed, Sovereign of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, Unlanded Countess of Old Pinemaw, The Silver Quill, Laird in the Kingswood, Defender of the Rozanian Realm, Ellie Ambrose Kagura-Maelstorm-Aurelius-Pinemaw Inspector of the Port-County of Dúnkeld, The Favorite Sorvian of Lurin, Bestfriend of Ellie Pinemaw, Most Spoiled Construct in Aevos, Kleptomaniac, Holder of Deranged Ideas, First Ever Sorvian Mage, Claimer of Free Land, Best Lawyer in the Business, Moss Mawce Kervallen
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