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  1. ...except when it does! Having considered your feedback from the last war and reviewing how it was conducted on both the player and staff sides, we’re making a number of changes with regard to how wars work. The newest version of the war rules is live in the War Rules forum, and wars (even though they were technically unfrozen a few weeks after they were frozen initially) are officially open again and will proceed under the new ruleset. Aside from a handful of wording changes and minor adjustments, major additions include: Base War Cost: Given the state of the in-game economy and adjustments to war paths, base costs have been reintroduced Mechanisms of War: Better defined build rules for attackers and defenders This section will also be updated with more pictures once we get examples together Tile Victory Conditions: Better definitions which are specifically tied to tile types Lair Warclaims: While allowed before, more specific rules have been defined with the help of @squakhawk A huge thank you to @ferdaboy and @Llir for their efforts in fielding feedback and getting all this put together and organized, @HogoBojo for lending the server for screenshots, and many more for their feedback and discussion. Addressing some concerns on the staff side, it’s been the case in the past that a handful of mods volunteer as war mods and are trained on how to put wars together. Moving forward, all mods are going to be trained to do so in an effort to a) cut down on a lot of that waiting/review period prior to warclaim starts, b) make more mods available to answer questions and help folks out as needed, and c) allow for involved mods to be fully excused from those duties with additional, uninvolved manpower. As is the case in big overhauls like this though, most everyone’s going to take a minute to learn how things work and there’s always the chance something could be done better. It’s your feedback that helps us determine where changes need to be made so we can provide the most fair experience for all as we can. Keep an eye out for our Your View’s and join Mod Discord if you want to give continual input on our projects. Up Next: Petty Theft, Heists, and Boats Build Standards, Doors, and Redstone Doors
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